Flashlight & A Biscuit: A Southern culture newsletter

I’ve been fortunate enough to cover sports all over the world, but I always find my way back to the American South. It’s a fascinating, infuriating, beautiful, aggravating region, one full of magnificent art, wrenching history and so, so many stories. When I’m not writing sports, I like to delve into some of those stories and share them on my Flashlight & A Biscuit Substack.
Check out some of the most popular editions right here:
The true story of the Diablo Sandwich, a “Smokey & The Bandit” legend
One-star Waffle House reviews that will make you want to go to Waffle House
The time I ate nuclear-level hot wings and burnt my very soul
The transcendent joy of the perfect college bar
The secrets of the South’s most haunted lake
I’ll share a story or two with you each week, along with some recommendations on books/music/food, and whatever else might be on my laptop’s open tabs at the time. It’s all free, and you can’t beat free.